Meet The Animals Series #9: The Story of Elessar

The newly born foal scrambled to his feet, wobbled a bit and then searched under the belly of his mama to find her teats and drink deeply of her luscious milk. The humans looking on had high hopes for this bay thoroughbred colt and, without too much originality, named him Hope Is Rising. However, the […]

Meet The Animals Series #8: The Story of Isabella

Isabella stepped gingerly out of the back of the stall where she found herself and onto the waiting lush grass, sniffing cautiously. The aroma tantalized every sense in her being and, in a moment, she was enthusiastically munching. Her thin body, with its swollen, painful ball of bony arthritic changes in her left front leg, […]

Meet The Animals Series #7: The Story of Angelica

“Before Lord God made the Sea and the Land, He held all the stars in the palm of his hand. And they ran through his fingers like grains of sand. And one little star fell alone…And we’re lost out here in the stars. Little stars, big stars blowing through the night.”     (Maxwell Anderson and Kurt […]

Meet The Animals Series #6: The Story of Preacher

The Belgian winters were bitter and raw but the pregnant mare, blanketed and warm against the winds, contently munched on her hay, enjoying the new life forming inside her. Spring would arrive soon enough… And in that Spring, a joyful, chestnut foal was born, ready for the world and all the new adventures that just […]

Meet The Animals Series #5: Poet’s Story

Poet looked up and over at his pair bond, Coltrane, who wished him a silent wish for a beautiful voyage, then up at the beloved, familiar human face, sighed deeply, and then saw her with his physical eyes no more. As his spirit hovered above his now-stilled body, he saw the female human throw herself […]

Meet The Animals Series #4: The Story of Coltrane

In the lead by a length, is Yo Coltrane!!!!!!  And ……First! By a length and a half!!!!!! Yo Coltrane, wins!!!!!!” Thunderous cheering from the crowd, a brief, sweaty, breathless walk to the Winner’s Circle  and there Coltrane stood quietly, as human handshakes and congratulations were shared among the smiling owners, trainer and groom. Strangely, no […]

Meet The Animals Series #3: The Story of Serenity

A horse standing behind a white fence

The sweet-faced, large nostril-ed mare, walked slowly back to her lean-to where her cherished sister waited quietly there for her.  She blew through those delightful nostrils and her flanks heaved and she gradually caught her breath.   They had named her Ginger for a reason.  She could go from standing to a neck-jolting canter in […]

Meet The Animals Series #2 : The Story of Baby Doe

On a cool Spring evening in April, as fireflies and stars appeared in the darkening sky, a small white-colored filly entered this world and looked around with wonder in her precious eyes at the magic around her. Anybody who knows of such matters, observing her entrance into the world, would have sworn they had just […]

Meet The Animals Series #1: The Story of Spirit

Snow still remained in small patches around the fence poles and the air still retained a hint of frost on a sunny, late March morning. In the dark, warm barn, a mare lay on fragrant pine shavings nosing her little foal, encouraging him to stand. It didn’t take much encouragement. The little boy, with the […]

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